Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Goodness

Just taking a little opportunity to document the goodness of this day.

I woke up sometime before 7:00 thanks to my stupid bladder. Then Cate came in just as I was getting back into bed. She gave me some good snuggles and then when she was done, I sent her out with Dan so I could go back to sleep. I can't be expected to get out of bed and entertain little people on Mother's Day. And the miracle is that I actually did go back to sleep. It was lovely.

The kids brought me cards and presents in bed. A blue lei from Cate and new pens from Danny. I'm super spoiled and I love it.

I got out of bed at 9:00 and ate Ben and Jerry's for breakfast. It was a new flavor for me, peanut butter and chocolate fudge. I was taking a risk by straying from my usual New York Super Fudge Chunk (which I've been choosing almost exclusively for the past 20 years!) but I'm glad I did. And in true motherly fashion, I shared it with my babies. Ice cream for breakfast for everyone!

I soaked in the tub with my yummy smelling bath salts. They're supposed to relieve aches and pains and sooth your soul or something like that. I don't think they make me feel any better but the eucalyptus smells so good.

Then blah blah blah until church at 1:00. I'm thinking 1:00 church is the way to go on Mother's Day though. Especially since I'm much more likely to sleep in than I am to ever take a nap.

Then yummy dinner at my parents' house, birthday cake for Dan (again because it's still his birthday week) and a round of Ticket to Ride (which I did not lose). Cate didn't even cry her head off when it was time to go home (which she usually does). Another Mother's Day miracle.

Danny and I snuggled on the couch and watched tonight's episode of The Amazing Race. It's our thing and I really love it. Too bad it's the season finale next week.

One more item of goodness of the day was the weather. Chilly and cloudy. My favorite. I even got to wear a sweater to church. It was lovely.

I've spent many a Mother's Day not feeling any goodness at all. I'm doing better though. I only had to tell myself a few times at church today don't be sad don't be sad don't be sad. I've got two great kids who think I'm pretty amazing even when I know I'm doing a craptastic job. They don't care about my gray hairs or my wrinkles or all the fun stuff you're doing but I'm not. Lot's of times I feel like I'm still just surviving and going day by day but who cares. If they feel loved and cared for and special day by day then I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

And on top of all that I've got my own mother who's pretty great. I'm happy to let the day be about her anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cried a lot at church, mostly because they ask what awesome qualities my own Mother has...and honestly it was just hard. BUT I patted myself on the back knowing that I am doing a good job. So are you. We will make it through this mothering gig together.