Saturday, September 14, 2013

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park

While we were on our vacation (yeah, almost 2 months ago but whatever, I'm doing the best I can) Dan found a park with a cool covered bridge. I feel like this picture makes my body look very long. Maybe it's the bridge. But the best part is that I wore a sweatshirt in July! That just makes my heart happy.

>>my bestie Michelle<<

After playing at the park for a bit we headed over to Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. There's a train that goes through the forest (if you want to pay like $200 for your family to ride it) and a park with the goofy cut out photo op things. So we forced the kids to participate (in the goofy cut out things, not the train ride).

I love those ginormous trees. Nature is so amazing sometimes.