Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring break, week 2

Danny's spring break has long since come and gone but here's what we did (just for my memory and maybe the grandparents who read this...if there are any of those left). Week 1 was documented here (that was Dan's spring break and I'm hoping that one of these years they might coincide so we can actually go on a spring break trip without someone having to miss a week of school).

On Monday my buddy Evonne brought her kids to my house to play and chit chat. I let the kids help me make cookies (and I ate one, seeing as how Lent was done the day before and it was deeeee-licious). Then we went to Micky Dee's to eat and play (it was rainy and chilly out or we probably would have had a picnic in the park like the good little mommies do). 

The friends went home and I took the kiddos to The Farm. I heard there were a few baby animals born a few days earlier and we wanted to check out the cuteness. One kid and three lambs. They were adorable.

Tuesday brought playing with friends and an impromptu picnic on the driveway hosted by Cate. She brought out all the food on her own. I'm glad she picked the healthy stuff instead of junk. She knows how to make a good impression.

Danny's little friend made an astute observation about one of Cate's little friends who was over playing that morning.

Danny's friend: That girl is so sensitive right, Danny?
Danny: I have no idea what that means.
Danny's friend: It means mad.

I love little boys. They're a hoot.

I'm pretty sure we went to the dinosaur museum on Wednesday. It's been so long and I tend to forget stuff. Good thing I take so many pictures.

Thursday brought more friends playing at our house in the morning (and making masterpieces on the driveway with some sidewalk paint and then a trip to the pool once Daddy came home from work. You know when it's not a great time to go to the pool? When Daddy comes home from work. That's usually the time we eat dinner, take baths and get the heck in bed. Going to the pool instead of doing all that important stuff wasn't a great idea but we survived. It's all in the name of attempting to do something fun for spring break so these poor kids of mine don't go back to school and tell people that we did nothing (not that other kindergarteners or preschoolers care of course).

Friday morning my friend Julie and her daughters stopped by for a visit. I met Julie on her 12th birthday (which was just a few months past my own 12th birthday). We graduated high school together and then both moved to Utah to attend BYU. She and I both lived with my grandma for our freshman year (that's the house I live in now). We were roomies for a few more years (this time in an apartment just off campus since we wised up and realized only weirdos live with their grandmas in college). Life went on and now she lives in Georgia. We had a nice time catching up on each others lives.

I don't remember much else about Friday. I probably took the kids somewhere so we could get out of the house until Daddy got home from work. That's how to survive a rainy spring break with small children, in my opinion.

I did write down that on Friday Danny made an amazing discovery.

"I know what my talent is. Sucking in air and burping."


On Saturday we celebrated cousin Jarrett's 10th birthday. 

Good times.