Monday, April 22, 2013

Gimme 5

I was clicking around reading old posts a few days ago and I came across the Gimme 5 I wrote 2 years ago. Oh, my kids were so little and cute. I think it's time for another edition.

up high (the good stuff lately)

:: I made these Swig Sugar Cookies a few days ago. I'm not a huge fan of sugar cookies (because most of the time if there's no chocolate I don't waste my time) but for some reason I just really wanted to make these. I tell you what. They were yummy. You should make them. I'll be making another batch tomorrow because I have loads of frosting left and no more cookies. Oh, drat.

:: Danny's been holding sessions of "Danny School" with the little kids that come over to play (plus his little sister who's always here). He says the students have to be age 5 and under. He picks out the pages from a workbook that he wants copied (good thing our printer doubles as a copier). They have story time (which is fun to watch because he actually reads to the kids and do you know how fun it is to watch your kid read a book to other kids? loads!) and snack time and he lines them all up on the couch and teaches them stuff. It's awesome. You know how they say something about how imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Well, for a kid with teachers for parents it makes me happy to see. 

:: I found a pair of sweatpants in the garage that Dan wore on his mission (from which he's been home for over 20 years). They're the kind with elastic around the ankles and they are my new jammies. I kind of love them. Good thing he was skinnier back then and I don't have to feel badly that my husband's sweatpants fit me.

:: I already posted about this next one on Instagram today but I'm doing it again because it's awesome. I bought this book last week. I haven't gotten very far but I'm loving it. I'm not big on book reviews but I think I might actually have some thoughts to share when I'm done. Some good thoughts. Is this why people join book clubs? I'd join a book club if it could be a book club made up of a bunch of introverts who sit around too shy to talk and then just eat a cupcake and go home. I could do that.

:: I know some people get all mad at Spring for being so windy, chilly, rainy, sunny, and then shuffle them all up and do it again but I love it. I just love it. And throw in the fact that my favorite trees lining the drive thru mailbox at the post office are in full bloom and well, I don't think it gets much better than that.

down low (the not so good stuff lately)

:: Last week Cate's preschool class went on a field trip to Cabela's. You know what a field trip to Cabela's is like? It's like taking your kids to the store ON PURPOSE. I rarely ever take my kids to any store and after last week I remember why. We left early because Cate made us. "Can't we just goooooooo?" Yes, my dear. We can. But not before we got to witness the big fish being fed. Do you know what they feed them? Real live goldfish. Oh, the trauma of watching those real live fishies being dropped into the big tank and then the big fishies grabbing them in their mouths. The kids didn't seem to mind but I found it quite disturbing.

:: Danny complained of a tummy ache on Friday morning, about an hour before school. He had a slight fever so I decided to keep him home. That proved to be a good choice when he puked about an hour later.

:: Cate puked 3 times in the dark hours between Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Dan cleaned up the first big one because I slept right through the whole thing. I don't wear ear plugs for nothing.

:: Danny's been bugging me to find stuff in the garage to sell at our yard sale. We don't actually have plans to hold a yard sale but he thinks we do. I finally relented this morning and we went out to see what we could find. It was windy and chilly and we only lasted 10 minutes which was fine with me. Also, that garage is a mess. Somebody please come babysit my kids for a week so I can get some serious cleaning done.

:: I ate 4 of those Swig Sugar Cookies for dessert yesterday. And one for breakfast today.


tessie said...

..... I'd join a book club if it could be a book club made up of a bunch of introverts who sit around too shy to talk and then just eat a cupcake and go home. I could do that.....

I could do that, too! I just loved that post!

Cathy said...

Awesome. Let's do it. Except you'll have to invite people to join us because I'm too afraid of rejection. I'll bring the cupcakes.

Unknown said...

I love this idea. You are a bloggin' rock star.

Cathy said...

Oh right. In that case sign me up for a conference so I can pass out business cards to my adoring fans.

Glenora said...

Please leave the garage till I get there...this is the sort of thing that really excites me...delving through stuff and finding treasures.

Cathy said...

There will be plenty left for you to delve into. Trust me.

Arlene said...

The comments are almost as good as the post.

debra said...

I'll be in your book club too, especially if you're bringing cupcakes.