Tuesday, January 25, 2011

not cool

My little darlings were flipping through the pages of their daddy's roller coaster book this morning.

Danny was excited because to him, it was all about carnivals. He likes carnivals. He's not a big fan of roller coasters like his dad is though...yet.

Cate pointed to each page and asked, "Dat cool, Danny?"

Then Danny would let her know which rides were cool and which were not.

Over and over and over again.

"Dat cool, Danny?"


"Dat cool, Danny?"

"Not cool."

You get the idea.

A little while later I was brushing my hair in the bathroom. Danny climbed up on the counter by the sink and started going through my top drawer. It's where I keep my hair stuff, barrettes, ponytail holders and such. He pulled out a small blue ponytail holder and tried to put it in his hair.

I helped him.

Cate came in the bathroom, took one look at Danny and said, "Not cool."

I think his daddy would agree.

I also think it's time for a hair cut.

And just in case you wondered just how much Dan loves a roller coaster...

Summer 2000
Dan having a blast
Me having the life squeezed out of my hand


colds1 said...

I love roller coaster pictures! And look how little Stephanie was? Ahhhh!

Cathy said...

I know! I love the extremes of emotions in this picture. Dan on a high and Stephanie having a near death experience!

Bec and Doug said...

Too bad we don't have pictures of that death trap 2 story high, no way to strap in, nearly lunging off the track at each turn, named after some sort of chipmunk/rodent roller coaster we went on when you and Dan came to Denver ages ago.

Good times, huh?

Unknown said...

that picture really did have me laughing out loud...hilarious!!!

Arlene said...

I didn't know you when you had that picture taken! :(

Did she learn "not cool" from Despicable Me? I love her. I wish she would let me be her friend.