Cate had her very first play date yesterday. I actually took her to a little friend's house and left her there to play. She didn't cry and from what the parents said, she played nicely and had fun. I could really get used to this play date thing.
Danny and I walked home after dropping Cate off. He went into his room to play and I went in the backyard. I got started on a little Christmas project. I'm actually thinking ahead this year. That's a first. I did a little spray painting. That's all. Nothing grand.
It was warm and sunny so I decided to haul out a few more things from the garage to add to my before pictures. I'm excited to see what they'll look like when the "after" pictures happen. That might not be for another 10 years or so. I'm thinking that's how long it will take my kids to figure out how to be 100% potty trained, get their own fishy crackers and drinks and keep themselves entertained without being fussy or clingy. That's the only way I'm ever going to have time to turn the befores into afters.
So for now, here's a few more befores.
First, the one up at the top. It looks like some kind of holder for serving drinks. I don't know. It really wants to be painted and fancied up though. I need to plan a party I guess. Or at least just serve drinks to 24 people.

These are old windows. I've wanted to do something with them for years but I don't have a clue what to do. For now, they sit in the garage collecting dust and spider webs (and dead bees in those spider webs). Any suggestions of what to do with them (besides giving them away) are welcome.

I love this stool. It needs a little tender loving care. This is one project I won't be doing on my own...at least not before I learn how to use my sewing machine.

This one's not a before, just a fun find. It's an old movie projector. Isn't it cute? I wonder if it still works.
Remember the metal cart from my other set of before pictures?
Look what I found.
Someone else with the same metal cart used it as an end table. It looks beautiful in the picture. I can imagine what would happen in my house if I had an end table on wheels. Never mind. I don't even want to imagine that. I'm pretty sure someone would end up getting hurt though.

That's all for now. Maybe if the weather stays nice I'll dig out more treasures.
Don't hold your breath.
I have a suggestion for the windows, just saw something from a girl I VT...clean the glass and you can put pictures in in and hang it on the wall. The one she did was super cute...I'm sure I could take pics if you want to get a better idea
I have lots of window suggestions! I have a few from when we replaced ours. (Or google old window crafts and see a bunch for yourself.) On my craft blog you can see an Advent calendar I made with an old window. I have a paned one now with Halloween cards taped to it. Sometimes I put paper behind the glass, or cute fabric. Or use it with dry erase markers... you could put vinyl letters names of each of you in each box and make a collage of stuff or use it for your lists (I know you have them!). Just don't do dried flowers - that's so 90's.
Would candles fit in that tray? Or colorful wooden eggs? Or little clay pots? I have a bunch of ideas slamming around my head for that one!
My neighbor painted a typing table, just like yours, black and it's on her front porch all cute with a plant on it.
You are making me want to go to garage sales or at least through other peoples garages. I love the old glass (I forget what its' called) in the mirror. Don't let her have it. Block her from your blog. :)
I think the glass in the mirror just looks old because it's filthy!
No...it has a name and is valuable. I have some in an antique halltree. I will find out tomorrow. My computer is in bed.
Those typing stands are really cool - I actually remember using them when I was a secretary! I wonder if your drink holder is one of those things they use at ballparks to sell drinks and popcorn in? It's neat, either way!
I wonder if the drink thingy is something grandpa made for use at the Rodeo or Riding Club - selling drinks! Ask Uncle Harold or Meril (sp) see if he knows.
I totally want that turquoise rocking chair in the bottom photo. It's fantastic. Thank you, goodnight.
I quite vividly remember calling dibs on that mirror & shelf. I'll wait till the after pictures come out before claiming it though :)
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