Wednesday, May 26, 2010

dark chocolate and pomegranate

Thanks to my brother-in-law, I've recently discovered these little bits of dark chocolate heaven. I'm pretending they're vitamins. That kind of makes me feel like they're a little less evil.

Can something so good be bad for me? It's not possible, right? Right? RIGHT?

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. That's why I eat them quickly. And only when I'm at Judy's house. They're in her pantry.

I'm wondering if I could make some hard boiled egg dark chocolate pomegranate cookies with them.

Oh, be still my heart.

Oh, be thin my thighs (even after I finish off that bag).


Arlene said...

I LOVE them. You could consider all the anti+oxidents they provide. Probably less trouble than red wine.

Who is Aunt Judy? I think she's mty fav!

Dan said...

MMMMMMMM, dark chocolate pomegranates, mmmmmmmmm!

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