eggs boiled and prettied up
(Cate thinks she'll crack one open in the morning and a baby bird will come out.)
(Cate thinks she'll crack one open in the morning and a baby bird will come out.)

plastic eggs filled
baskets ready and waiting
adorable coordinating outfits ready for church
tube of orange rolls in the fridge so we can eat bunny rolls for breakfast
video camera charging
dinner dishes washed
(because the Easter bunny might skip our house if there's a sink full of mess)
kids bathed and smelling much better than before the bath
paper and pen ready to jot down where the really hidden eggs get hidden
(because I can't be expected to remember everything)
baskets ready and waiting
adorable coordinating outfits ready for church
tube of orange rolls in the fridge so we can eat bunny rolls for breakfast
video camera charging
dinner dishes washed
(because the Easter bunny might skip our house if there's a sink full of mess)
kids bathed and smelling much better than before the bath
paper and pen ready to jot down where the really hidden eggs get hidden
(because I can't be expected to remember everything)

We had a special Saturday session of family home evening tonight.
I read The Story of Easter.
Then we watched this video together (3 times).
If you've got kids, click on it.
Watch it with them.
It's a good one.
(and only 3 minutes long)
We're ready for a beautiful day tomorrow.
I read The Story of Easter.
Then we watched this video together (3 times).
If you've got kids, click on it.
Watch it with them.
It's a good one.
(and only 3 minutes long)
We're ready for a beautiful day tomorrow.
Such fun times :) I hope Cate isn't too upset when no baby bird pops out. I'm sure you'll be a good comforter when it doesn't happen.
Thanks for the bunny roll reminder. I saw it in The Friend but forgot I wanted to do that until I saw your post. See you tomorrow!
These are great! So what happened when nothing actually came out of the eggs? :)
After twelve years of marriage, I'm going to guess never.
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