Danny, Cate and I spend our Tuesdays with baby Ray. It's an adventure. We start early, sometimes not even taking time to change out of our Cinderella jammies.
Cate has been loving all the time she gets to hold baby Ray. I'm pretty sure baby Ray does not feel the same about it.
Judy strapped me in to the sleepy wrap this week. I tried. I really did. It's just not me. I don't know how to make him comfy in there and that just stresses me out. I lasted longer than last time so I feel like I'm making progress. I don't know how you baby wearing mamas do it. I really don't.
Luckily, Judy called to remind me that I could try the baby bjorn if I wanted. I feel much better in that contraption, although I did have a moment of confusion while trying to figure out where to put my arms and which way was up.
We played a little bit of dress up with baby Ray. He was not amused.
Then he finally fell asleep in the baby bjorn. Hallelujah! I think he lasted 40 minutes. That's way more than the zero sleep he did for me last Tuesday. Hallelujah again!
After that brief nap he was much happier. See? Then he stayed awake the entire time Cate slept for her nap. That was an adventure. I am remembering with not so much fondness the early days of my baby Danny. A whole lot of walking around bouncing a baby. Not a whole lot of anything else. I don't know how you mamas of newborns do it. Heck, I don't know how I did it. Twice.
After Cate's brief nap (and my catching up on my shows on the DVR and Danny's not napping and baby Ray's not napping either), we headed out to the front yard. At least that sweet little boy enjoys lounging on a blanket on the lawn. We lasted out there for a good 30 minutes.
I'm not sure what Danny was looking at but he was deep in thought.
Baby Ray had a good view of some nice green leaves.
And Cate tried out her gymnastics skills, right next to baby Ray's head. Fun times.
Baby Ray's big brothers came home from school while we were outside. Jarrett kept the baby happy so I could take a shower. Everyone played nicely until our lovely dinner of pizza and cantaloupe.
And that was Tuesday with Raymond (and Danny and Cate and Jarrett and Kris and me and the baby bjorn).
So it was you who used the spare clothes in the diaper bag! Thanks for watching my baby not sleep!
Love seeing babies up close and personal! Good luck with the baby wrap thingy! Go with what feels best for you!
Hi I'm following you back! Your kids are adorable!
Tania @ http://myadventures-in-mommyland.blogspot.com/
Thanks for following! I'm following back! :-)
Thanks for following, I'm following back. Great pictures !!! I love the expressions on their faces, so precious.
Thanks for the follow! I'm following you too. Your children are beautiful by the way!
Thanks for the follow! I'm following you too. Your children are beautiful by the way!
I'm following you, too!
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