After a pleasant drive home, I put Cate down for a nap and Danny went to his room for some quiet time. Aunt Nancy and I went shopping while Dan stayed home and relaxed in a quiet house.
When Cate woke up, we were off to the bowling alley with Judy, Dave and their kids. We lucked out because it was grand opening weekend at this particular establishment. We only paid $2.00 per person and the shoe rental was free!
A good time was had by all (at least that was the impression I got). Judy was in the lead for much of the game. I'm pretty sure that's because she was bowling with the strength of a grown woman and a tiny baby. Maybe the preggy belly was helping her focus her center of gravity and that somehow helped the ball go where she wanted it to go. I don't know. That's just my theory.
Here are the final scores:
Jarrett 59
Kris 72
Danny/Cate/whoever wanted another turn 77
Dave 106
Judy 129
Dan 137
The Ultimate Bowling Champion (aka ME) 143
I couldn't even let Dan win on his birthday weekend. Sorry, Honey.
As we were leaving, the kids spotted some blow-up bouncy play things in the parking lot. The boys took off their shoes and had a blast bouncing and sliding. Cate wasn't very happy that she wasn't allowed to participate.
After a few minutes of bouncing and sliding, we came home for cake, ice cream and presents. I had a plan to make some strawberry shortcake cupcakes for the party. Dan loves angel food cake with strawberries for his birthday cake. I knew he'd probably get that at his mom's on Sunday. The cupcake recipe looked yummy so I wanted to try it. When I took the kids to the store to get the ingredients, Danny spied this chocolate cake in the bakery section. He knew Dan would love it because it had blue on it. So that's the cake Dan got. And he did get the angel food cake at his mom's the next day so it's all good.
When it was time for presents, Jarrett said Dan would like the present they bought him because it's something he and I could do in the bedroom. Huh? I already knew what the present was. Dan was probably wondering if we should send the kids out of the room before opening it. We got a pretty good laugh out of Jarrett's clue.
It turned out to be a microphone like they use on the professional wrestling shows. I guess Jarrett was remembering how Dan used to practice his pro wrestling moves on me. This is sounding kind of weird but I promise we were all fully clothed.
After the festivities were all cleaned up, Dan and I changed into our Forty by Forty clothes and took the "after" pictures. A full update will be coming tomorrow. Until then, here's a little preview.
Way to go on your bowling score Cathy! And I'm impressed that you actually caught the puke! You're a great mom!
You skinny, puke-catching bowling star, cake buying queen of Lehi - you are my idol. In a good way.
Saying on one of the plaques I make "You know you're a mom when your kid pukes and you can catch it all in your hands."
I'll have to send on a few more of those to you when I can get to my list. It's all good!
So what IS Dan going to do with the mic?
Oh Dan and his microphones!
I suppose now I will have to listen to the ukalale (sp)and the voice over a microphone! Its enough to make a mother-in-law stay home! You did it Dan, I have been officially run off!!!
My, my, how skinny you are!
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