Sunday, May 10, 2009

my gifts

Mother's Day

From church: probably a plant
From Dan: don't remember

I do remember that this was the day we told our families about Baby Sessford. Dan blew out the candles on his birthday cake and said his wish out loud.

"I wish for Cathy to have a baby in November. Oh, wait, that already came true."

Mother's Day

From church: probably a plant
From Dan: don't remember
From Danny: ruptured eardrum (his, not mine)

Mother's Day

From church: probably a plant
From Dan: don't remember
From Danny: don't remember
From Cate: cankles (mine, not hers)

Little did I know that bed rest was right around the corner. Why did I not enjoy it? Why?

Mother's Day

From church: definitely a plant
From Dan: See's chocolate and a shirt (paid for by me since he forgot to bring his wallet to the mall)
From Danny: a mini cutting board
From Cate: a new kitchen rug (so she has something soft to sit on while she's crying for me to pick her up instead of wash the dishes)

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