Considering the fact that my weekend to do list only had two items, I feel happy that I was able to accomplish almost everything.
We certainly did lots of stuff.
Grama Bama and I tended the cousins on Friday while their parents worked. Cate and Danny came along too, of course. We sent Cate home to be with her daddy after a few hours at the cousins' house since she woke up at 6:30 that morning and was a beast by 10:00. I love her dearly but man sakes alive she's a beast when she's tired.
This picture was taken a little before Cranky Cate emerged. Isn't she adorable in Grama Bama's hat? Yep. She is.

We sat out front and watched Baby Ray Ray do his adorable wobbly walk down the sidewalk. I try to not let it bother me that he learned how to walk at 10 months old and Cate didn't master that very important milestone until 17 1/2 months old. Ray Ray's just an overachiever.
Kris kept himself busy catching bees in the back yard. BEES! That kid's a crazy daredevil. He did set them all free after a few minutes. That freaked me out too because I figured if he was lucky enough to not get stung when they went in the jar then surely he'd get stung upon release.
He didn't though.

We headed to the parade in the evening. Cate was still sleeping when we left (a little before 6:00) so we left her at the house with Grama Bama.
They walked down later when she woke up because she wanted to see where all that music was coming from.

I'll just go ahead and admit that I got a little choked up when the Silver Band came rolling past. If I get my piccolo cleaned up and in working condition do you think I could try out to be in the parade next year? If I had a bucket list that would be on it. Play the piccolo on the Silver Band wagon.

I was excited to see Danny and Dan when they finally walked past our viewing spot. Danny was thrilled to be in the parade. He didn't look so thrilled when we saw him though. Hot and tired and grouchy is more like it. I'm glad he gave it a try though. He's not usually one to be thrilled about anything but Star Wars and Legos.
Danny ditched the parade and sat on the curb with us to play Angry Birds and watch the rest of the floats.

Cate joined us later and Aunt Judy snapped this picture of us.
Look at her skin.
Then look at mine.
I mean really. What is up with those wrinkles? I know you're tired of hearing about the wrinkles but look at them. I'm 38 not 88. Sheesh.

Help is on the way though.
Look what my lovely sister gave me for my birthday last week.
I'm saving it to use closer to my high school reunion (which is only a little over a month away). I'm hoping I can show up to that looking a little more like a 38-year-old instead of a 38-year-old's great-grandma.
Saturday was spent attempting to be awesome. I'm not sure I made it but I tried.
I did make scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. I usually just pour cereal into bowls so I think a warm breakfast qualifies as awesomeness.
Grama Bama and I took the kids to Costco.
By the time we got back (2 hours later!) it was time for Quiet Time.
I ditched all the sleepy heads and ran some errands, bought some new shorts and picked up a few foodstuffs at the Walmart.
The only part of that afternoon outing that was awesome was the new shorts. And that I bought the same size I bought last year and they fit (despite the fact that I've been feeling like Fatty McFattington lately).

We headed to Cocolito's for dinner.
I'm definitely awesome for suggesting that.
(Sadly, nobody let me know that I had failed to remove the little baggie that holds the extra button on my new shorts and it was hanging out the back for all to see on our little dinner outing. Good thing I was sitting for most of it.)

Cute kids on the ride home.

And a new pepper. The first veggie in the garden. Looks like it's pretty big but this was the first time I'd seen it. I guess I don't check on the garden very often. I've kind of let that be Dan's thing.

I was once again mostly awesome when I made some rice krispie peanut buttery chocolate and butterscotch bar thingees.
Then I stacked them all pretty on a plate to take their picture. When I came back from getting my camera, here's what I saw:

I tried to get Cate ready for church and she rejected my dress choice. She said it was "too stripey."
She picked out this little number from the closet instead.
Three years old and already she has an opinion about the stripey-ness of her outfits.

After church, time with the fam.
It was pretty funny watching Danny try to learn how to use a slip n' slide on a hill. Most of the time his feet slipped out from under him and he landed on his bony little bum.

So that's the to do list update.
I did stuff.
I was a little bit awesome.
That's the kind of to do list I could get used to.
Love it! Cate is looking so grown up! Side, side note, where did you find cute shorts?
For the record, Danny looked happy when I saw him in the parade :) And yes, you qualify as awesome :)
I'd say you did well on your list. "The Walmart" made me think of "The Y."
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