Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Woke up to Danny climbing in my bed. And it was rainy outside. I love rainy mornings. Cate came out of her room shortly after and wondered why it was so dark. Something like "who turned out the lights?" came out of her mouth. That was funny because the morning before she came out and told me to turn the lights off. It was the sun though. Shining brightly. Making her squint.

We went house hunting with Aunt Judy and Ray Ray in the morning. Know what makes me feel better about the gunk and crud on my bathroom counter? Somebody else's bathroom that looks worse. And a shower cap on the doorknob? Eek.

We puttered around at Judy's until time for preschool -- first day back at preschool since spring break! Not to sound ungrateful or complainy about my kids or anything but hooray for preschool and 2 hours to myself. It was sorely missed.

I stopped at the Roller Mills to get a few brownie mixes. When I got back in my car, guess what song was playing on the radio. "Footloose." Seriously. What are the chances? I was sitting in front of the Roller Mills where the final scene for that movie was filmed. Crazy. So I turned it up nice and loud and snapped that picture.

Grocery shopping without the kids next. That was quite pleasant, for as much as I hate grocery shopping. I bought some chili sauce to make our favorite meatballs. That's not because I plan to make them any time soon. I'm just worried that if I don't buy that particular brand of chili sauce every now and then the store might stop carrying it. I wonder if I'm the only one who buys it sometimes. See, I'm crazy. I worry about chili sauce.

I picked up the kiddies and went home. Cate wanted do a little neighbor visiting. We stopped by Glenda's house since I remembered that her husband told me on Sunday to come by and see their new lamb.

His name is Freckles. He sucked my finger. Then he sucked Danny's. Cate wanted nothing to do with all that finger sucking nonsense. Glenda told us to come back later and we could help feed the little lamby his bottle.

And that's exactly what we did.

* * *

And because I love Footloose so much...