We took a little trip to Dan's school yesterday. He needed to enlist the help of the best darn organizer he knows (that'd be me) to work in his classroom. We brought the kiddies along so we'd have someone there to pester us while we tried to get some work done. Plus, it's a different school than he was at last year and we thought they'd like to see where their daddy works. Turns out, they don't really care much about where their daddy works.
We had a little fun in the mirror just outside Dan's office. Behold, the moods of Danny.



That pretty much sums it up for him. And of course, Cate made her trademark silly face as much as possible.
My main task today was unloading boxes of books and trying to organize them somehow. There were text books and teacher books. Binders. Binders. More binders. And then I found these little pink and red books. All I can figure is that they're some kind of teenage romance series. Why on earth my husband (who teaches a bunch of special ed middle schoolers) has teenage romance books in his possession I'll never know. Maybe I don't want to know. I don't know.

Some titles include Chance of a Lifetime, A Love to Share, Love in Bloom, Follow Your Dream, Kiss and Make Up. Don't those sound like something teenagers want to read? If the titles aren't enough to interest them, just look at the artwork on the cover. That's sure to reel them right in.
Here's my favorite:

The Road to Love
The roller skates. The one piece belted jump suit. Holding hands, ready to spin each other around on the shiny roller rink floor.
Check out the teaser on the back.

I picked a few other books from Dan's shelf to bring home for some light reading this weekend. I'm not really sure I could have found something from the shelf that would qualify as heavy reading so light it is.
I borrowed Stargirl, a book about Helen Keller and one of my favorites, Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. That last one's an oldie but a goodie for sure. (I'm not sure I worded that sentence correctly but Stargirl is definitely not a book about Helen Keller. What I meant was I borrowed Stargirl AND a book about Helen Keller AND Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret but it didn't sound right having to say AND so many times. You get the idea.)

On our way home from the school we stopped for a late lunch at one of my favourite restaurants. I figured since it would be Canada Day soon (and it's today, eh?) we should enjoy a Canadian favourite in honour of our favourite Canadian (that'd be Grama Bama, of course).
Have you ever heard of poutine? It's from Quebec. Grama Bama is not from Quebec so she's probably never eaten poutine. But watch how I tie all this in together anyway (and also see how I can come up with any excuse possible to eat some cheesy fries with ultimate dipping sauce).
Poutine is beef gravy on fries with cheese curds.
We ate fries. There was cheese on them (not the curd kind, melted and gooey instead). The ultimate dipping sauce is kind of like gravy.
Poutine with a twist! Utah style!

Happy Canada Day, eh?
Did you get a new camera?
You look amazing!
I loved the books!
I love Stargirl, but it makes me want to be nicer, which I don't love to be right now.
Happy Canada Day!
I did get a new camera. Nothing big and fancy that requires a shoulder strap, extra lenses or a nifty bag but it's new and it works. Good enough for me!
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